Monday, February 19, 2007

Saturday, February 17, 2007, a Girl-Friend Get-a-Way

Shall we try to build a fire??? It's windy, but it seems the thing to do, so we plan on building our fire at the circle. Guess what? We DID! :)
Liza joins us for a little while--another soul sister. The connection was palpable. We are connected. It's always a treasure to find another part of our "pack".

This is what I felt all weekend--an open door, and an invitation to "live joyfully"!

Now we are 4! Linda got here later in the day--now the party can really begin! :)

Two of the most beautiful women around--I love you ladies--especially early on a very cold morning. Two of my "sisters"'s still on the way, but she'll be here soon, we hope!

1 comment:

SUSAN said...


