Tuesday, February 13, 2007

An Unexpected Visit

I got a call from my son this morning--seems this little one had a tummy ache at school, and the school couldn't get anyone. Courtney's phone was out and Barton was in Bay City working--"Can you please Mom???" Well, what's a grandmother to do? GO GET HIM! :) By the time I got there, he seemed a little better, so we ran a few errands then we came home and he helped me make valentine candies--or at least we tried! He was very responsible, though--before he did any playing, he sat down and did his homework. I was very glad that I wasn't "working", but could be home to help out. Emmanuel's such a neat kid...o, by the way, he told me something was boring today. When I questioned him about boring, he said, "Boring's like adding one plus one forever!" Now, that's a picture, huh!

1 comment:

SUSAN said...

What a cutie pie!!
