Sunday, February 11, 2007


Mother and I went to see Crowns, presented by our local Brazosport Center Stages, this afternoon, and it was a delight! The story? "a moving and celebratory musical play in which hats become a springboard for an exploration of black history and identity as seen through the eyes of a young black woman. After her brother is killed in Brooklyn, she travels down South to stay with her aunt. The conclusion finds the stand-offish young woman, whose cultural identity as a young black Brooklyn woman has been so at odds with the more traditional and older southern blacks, embracing hats and their cultural significance as part of her own fiercely independent identity. Gospel music and dance underscore and support the narrative" (that's the write-up out of program, in case you wondered!). The show was beautifully done, so funny in places that I laughed til I cried, then so moving in places that I cried again. Mother and I both enjoyed a Sunday afternoon learning about another culture, and allowing ourselves to be moved by someone else's story. Good stuff! And some really talented local folks! Congratulations on a job very well done!


SUSAN said...

Sounds like a fun time, Sheila! I love live performances. Also, I've been hankering for a hat and the play has pushed that button again. You may see me in a hat this weekend. woohoo


SUSAN said...

Hey, you inspired me to add a "Quote of the Day". :-)
