Saturday, February 24, 2007

Saturday, February 24, 2007 Happy Birthday Emmanuel!

You've met him before! This is Emmanuel, and he turns 8 Monday--and tonight was party time! See his shirt??? The kid's decided he's had enough of Texas, and he's opted for Canada! This was a Canada night all around! :)
Friend Shannon made a special cake that was decorated like a Canadian flag with "happy birthday" in French (don't remember what it said). Unique! These Garmon's are always full of surprises! :)

Everything was red and white and the Canadian flag everywhere--including this BIG one he got from Mom and Dad. Wonder if they'll fly in in their yard?

Christin prepares to serve cake and ice cream, while brother, Isaac, peeps over a friend's sholder at the camera. Nice smile, huh. All my grandkids get their looks from their Grandmother, you know! :)

Uncle Mike and Aunt Laura visit with old friends Joe and Lella--it looks like presents may be getting opened!

Christin, Mom Courtney, and Ellen watch while gifts get opened. Mom looks like she may take a few pictures! :)
Boys will be boys--cousins David and Eddy and brother Isaac and friends that Grandma didn't know--LOTS of friends that Grandma didn't know. A house full! And very high energy. They played nerf guns outside in the dark. It was a lot of fun.

This doesnt' have anything to do with a birthday party, but Ellen is quite the artist. This a beautiful piece of work that she's done. It's hanging in her bedroom. I love it!

More presents! There's daddy Barton in the background--the one with lots of hair! :) We had a great time tonight--it felt good to be there with all the family and all their friends. I love my kids--all of them, and all those awesome grandbabies. :) Tomorrow it's to the movie with Grandma! Look for photos!


SUSAN said...

Great party photos celebrating a birthday and Canada! :-) You have a lovely family, Sheila!!


Rebecon said...

haha! thats so funny! canada of all things!