Monday, February 26, 2007

Sunday, February 25, 2007, A Trip to the Movies

I've discovered I like taking my grandkids to the movies, so we do it a couple of times a year. Ok, so not very often, but that makes it special. From left to right: Emmanuel, Isaac, Eddie and David. Back row next to Grandma is Ellen--my gosh, look at that! She's as tall as I am! Good Lord, when did that happen????

We went to see Bridge to Teribethia, a very good movie, but no one warned me that it was so sad! I cried. So did the grandkids...movies with grandkids are supposed to make us laugh. Darn! I guess we'll have to try again! Courtney and friend Christin went too. We had a good time. Next time, kids, we'll try to find one that makes us laugh! :)


SUSAN said...

How awesome is it to have five grandchildren!! You rock, woman.


Rebecon said...

ellen is already past me... looked like yall had fun! my trip home got postponed until spring break...