Saturday, February 24, 2007

Friday, February 23, 2007 As Advertised

I took this photo yesterday at my local Hobby Lobby--it's still the texture thing. I love all the coors and the texture, and I've pondered wanting a colorful and well-textures life--but since I took the picture, I've had some unsettling news so I've hesitated to post. Just didn't seem pertinent anymore. But when I uploaded my camera, and noticed the "As Advertised" sign, I thought it might fit into what's happening in my life. You know, Life just isn't "as advertised". Especially if you've done it "right" and really tried hard. It's always kind of unsettling and disappointing when you find that no matter how you've tried, or how much you might have done "right", Life just doesn't seem to deliver as promised. There are unsettling suprises and many disappointments because our expectations are pretty high. But when the dust has settled, it's those surprises, those disappointments, those "unadvertised specials" that give us the color and the texture that we long for in life. It's those things that grow us and expand our hearts and our minds. So, in spite of myself, I still pray for a colorful and well-textured life--including all the dark threads and all the knotty, bumpy yard of life.

1 comment:

SUSAN said...

I needed to read this, my friend. Thank you!
