Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Rats, Rats, and Double Rats!

I learned to knit my freshman year in high school (I think? It was a LONG time ago). I never used the knitting skills, never even finished a beginner project, but I've picked it up again this winter--and I'm having a ball (several of them, in fact--as in balls of yarn)! I've finished a shawl, knitted two scarves (including this luscious purple one), and put wonderful purple cuffs on my Levi jacket. The only thing I needed to complete the set was this little purple cap. No problems, until NOW. I've been working on this silly little hat about a month, got almost finished and realized a couple of nights ago that I had mis-read the directions, and it wasn't working, so I ripped out the yarn, re-balled it, and began again last night. About two inches into the project, I realized that somehow I had gotten my project twisted on those circular needles, and I was knitting a twisted cap (perhaps that's what a twisted mind needs?). I got my engineer husband involved in checking out the possibility that it might right itself in the end, but he said no, so I've ripped it out AGAIN and, if I want a cap, I've got to start over again. Is it worth it? Darned if I know! I've never worn caps, and might never wear this one, but something in me is tenacious this time. I can't let this thing beat me, so tonight I'll sit down again, pull out all the stitches, re-ball the yarn again, and start over. So...there's got to be a spiritual picture in here somewhere?

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