Saturday, January 20, 2007

Grandpuppies come to visit

Say "Hello" to some of the family--youngest son, Joe, and his wife, Monica, and the grandpuppies, Tex and Sparky. They came down from for a very short visit today--just to go by the Gallery and see the show that's up. They couldn't make the reception last week because of weather. Admittedly, Tex and Sparky are the stars of this show! They like to come to Grandma's house, and I like for them to come. It's the only time we get to puppy play!


SUSAN said...

Cutie Pies...all four of them! I think is the first time I've seen Joe.


Sheila Conner said...

Wow, as long as we've known each other? Well, it's about time. :) He IS a cutie.