Friday, March 2, 2007

Sr. Lois and the Enneagram

Meet Sr. Lois, one of my favorite sisters at the Cenacle. If she gives a retreat, I am there! :) She taught our class today--Spiritual Direction Using the Enneagram. Sandy, one of my classmates, is explaining some new technology to Sister. Sr. Lois also loves new technology--she really gets into powerpoint and all the computer driven magic that happens when she pushes a button! :) Sr. Lois is a permission giver to the explorer in all of us. She's empowered me to push the edges when I've wanted to. And she's helped me not be afraid. I love her dearly.
And here's another one of my favorites sisters, Sr. Alice. She's my spiritual director. After class today I got to go talk to her for a while. She's held my hand and loved me tenderly through all kinds of things for nearly 3 years. She's unshakable and unshockable, two very valuable assets to have in a spiritual friend. I know she's prayed for me often. She's probably fretted over me a bit, too, but she hasn't let it show. She has remained constant, and I love her dearly, too.


SUSAN said...

Oh Sister Lois! I am so glad you introduced me. I am really looking forward to the workshop with her in April.

I hope to meet Sister Alice one day! Sheila, thank you for all the doors you opened for me at the Cenacle! It's been life-changing!


Ampersand said...

I've always wanted to have a spiritual director! I love seeing and reading about all your activities.

I had some friends that were experts in the enneagram. I'm a five with a four wing :-).

Sheila Conner said...

I'm a 4 with a 5 wing! :)