Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Rain----------and more rain!

It started raining here Sunday evening--storms all night, rain a lot Monday--then yesterday was nice and we thought it was over. But along came last night, with storms all night. Jim's in Holland, so I'm home by myself, and I'm kind of a baby during storms, so I put in my ear plugs, and turned up my two fans to make noise, and slept through most all of the storms during the night. Woke up this morning to nearly 3" in the rain gauge and the beautiful sky below.
I wondered--is the sky trying to clear? Are those patches of blue a promise of hope, or is all that gray a promise of more to come?
This afternoon, when I got home from the Studio, we had added another almost 2 inches, and baby, it's pouring outside. I put out weed and feed Sunday on my lawn. Wonder if it's been "watered in" as directed, or if all of it has watered out into my ditches? :)

BTW, I got a lot of wonderful definitions of "Beauty". Watch for them in the coming days!

1 comment:

SUSAN said...

Love the quotes! Will look forward to reading more.

Glad y'all got Dad had put out weed & lawn stuff too. hehe
