Monday, April 9, 2007

Slow day...

You can tell it's a slow day when I take pictures of the tv screen! Satellite went out yesterday, and that's always a big deal. Not only do I hate to miss Dancing with the Stars, but Mother has to miss Jeopardy and the news...Major thing!

Just got a heads up that our neighbor Ronnie is back from Iraq! He surprised us all with a visit--I just got back from across the street, but it was raining and I didn't feel like dragging the camera! Jim's going to hate that he's not home for this!


Ampersand said...

Oh dear, I really don't like it when the satellite TV goes out!

Sheila Conner said...

I don't either, especially when we've got a new tv being delivered Thursday--just in time for Survivor and Gray's Anatomy! Wouldn't want to miss it on the BIG screen! :)

Ampersand said...

Ah, yes, we just got a big (for us), hi-def TV in January.


Equus (dd) and I love Gray's.