Sunday, April 8, 2007

Happy Easter!

Father Karl joined us from Houston today to help out with the overflow Mass. On Easter Sunday, we have one 8:00 Mass, 2 9:30 Masses and 2 11:00 Masses--usually quite a large crowd. I like Fr. Karl. He's a sweetie, and he always gives a good homily. I laughed at him this morning before Mass--he commented to one of the servers that it was so cold he was afraid he would accidentally celebrate the Christmas Mass instead of the Easter Mass.
I've never attended Mass in the Hall before, but I was assigned to serve there, so there I went. It was nice--the lilies smelled so good. Frankly, lilies, hydrangeas and azaleas were the only sign of Spring. Everyone was dressed in winter attire. There's always next Sunday.

Hope you've had a blessed day, and I hope the sun was shining where you are, and that it was warm.

1 comment:

SUSAN said...

What did you "Serve" in the Hall? It sounds like you fit in nicely. :-)
