Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Reading Political Stuff?

I've never read politically--used to consider myself "apolotical", until I realized that I just hadn't found "my spot", and I was being politically correct for the culture I had been raised in. But this man interests me. Reading his book has been a breath of fresh political air--he seems humble, reasonabale, and willing to listen and consider all sides. Balanced. And, yes, full of hope. I haven't hoped for this country for a long time, but there's a faint stirring of hope rising up in me. This guy isn't the magic pill, but maybe if more of us could listen, really listen to the "other"--maybe, just maybe....


SUSAN said...

The other day my Dad said, "I just don't know what is going to happen if Barak wins. I don't like Hillary but I think I would prefer her." I asked him

He is concerned about Barak's Muslim background.

I want to read the book! Anything and anyone that gives us hope in the political arena, is a good thing in my book!


Sheila Conner said...

Well, you can tell your dad that his Muslim background is very limited, and he's a Christian. :) Don't know if that will help, but...

Ampersand said...

I've read his book and loved it. I think I may go to a Barack Obama organizing event this Saturday, in fact.

I'm sorry you are having a hard time viewing my photos -- they are large :(.

We do need to get you up to current time, don't we? I mean, now you have that big TV and all, time to bring everything else current!

Sheila Conner said...

"Amp"--I'm always the last one on the block! :) I do admit, it's VERY FRUSTRATING!

I read a quote from Richard Rohr's book, Jesus' Plan for a New World, and I thought of Obama: "Whenever you try to hold the opposite energies together--liberal/conservatione, masculine/feminine, right/wrong, black/white--anything that's conflict, you're going to get crucified." One of the things that impresses me about Obama is his dogged determination to hear both sides, and to try to understand both points of view. That takes a humble man. I really think I like him--a lot.