Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Getting New Windows

These young guys are taking out all my single pane energy wasting windows and replacing them with highly energy efficient double hung windows...I was thinking this morning about the "prophetic picture"--my house getting all new energy saving windows. I like the picture! :)


Ampersand said...

congrats on the house upgrade.

by the way, I love your quote on the sidebar.

Dh and I were just talking about how we thought Jesus was about a new way of living and relating where we are our brother's keeper. We think that is good news...that we have been equipped and are able to help each other through this journey.

Mind you, these are the views of two agnostics, one a Jew and one an ex-Christian :).

SUSAN said...

Love windows...and all they represent! Here's to beautiful views. :-)


Sheila Conner said...

"Amp", I've read so many new thoughts about Jesus over the last 2 years. I've struggled with a while now about "what to do with him". :) My world view and my thought process have changed a lot, but for today, I'm still a Christian--albeit my a much looser definition that I had at 40. :) I've had to let that one go! And I, too believe we are our brother's keepers. I heard a while back, it's much easier to worship Jesus that to live like him. That was food to ponder. :)

Ampersand said...

Yeah, I can certainly appreciate that struggle. It's one that I still ponder here and there.