Wednesday, May 2, 2007

West Meets East

We had a rare opportunity in our area yesterday; the Dalai Lama came to Houston for a visit, so of course a group of us headed to Rice University to see and hear for ourselves. It amazes me still that I am at a place in my journey through life that I can even hear another spiritual voice speak into my life--especially one from the East. But I'm there, and I welcome the balance the other half brings. Again, one of those paradoxes in life--there is no West without East, there is no us without them, and there is no complete without all the parts. My western mind has been so lopsided for so long, and my spiritual process has been so "partial"--it's a joy to be able to open to the other and to hear with an open heart instead of a closed mind. What I find is that we're all saying much the same thing. The Dalai Lama's talk yesterday was on compassion in our every day life--the same message Jesus spoke as he walked among us. And it's a message I long to hear and experience in my life--if I must err, may it be on the side of compassion.

The Dalai Lama is a humble little man with a joyful smile that radiates from inside to the outside. And he left us with a profoundly humble statement: If you've heard something today that you can use, then take it and practice it and make it yours. If you haven't heard anything that's useful to you--then just forget all that I've said and don't worry about it. That's another place I want to get to--a place where I'm willing to let go of my agenda and my "right-ness", trusting that each person I meet will find his/her own way. What a gift to have someone say, "Trust yourself to know the truth and to find your way."

After those wonderful words of wisdom and love, a few of us went and ate and shopped! A pretty grand day--one filled with simple pleasures and simple words.


Ampersand said...

Welcome back! How awesome that you were able to see and hear him.

I have a tendency to be, naturally, more east than west.

Balance is good. Compassion is good too :).

SUSAN said...

Sounds wonderful!! I like his message.


Sheila Conner said...

"Amp", I'm discovering I'm much more "east", as well--explains why I've never "fit" very well before. But I do want to learn to hold onto my West and grab ahold of the East at the same time--holding that paradox together, knowing that they are not opposites, but compliments...BTW, I love to "preach". :)

Ampersand said...

Interesting thought Sheila, about creating and maintaining that balance within ourselves. I've never really tried to do that, but rather, have sought to get that balance by relating to my natural opposites, thereby creating a whole within the relationship. Both approaches are good, I think.

Preach away, sista!