The wind blows where it pleases; you can hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit. Jn. 3:18
For years, I would receive a Scripture from Godde for the new year, but it’s been a long time since I’ve read the Bible and gotten any “word” from Godde, let along a verse for the year.
But it happened this morning. The wind has been blowing so much for a while now. In times past, I would have asked Godde what the wind meant, but I haven’t done that for a while, either. So a few days ago, I asked, “What’s with all the wind. It’s leaving such a mess behind (broken branches and fallen palm fronds everywhere!)…so, tell me, what’s with all the wind?”
This morning as I read in John, I came upon this verse in John 3:8, The wind blows where it pleases; you can hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.
And it was one of those synchronistic moments when heaven and earth seemed to meet, and I “knew” the word was from Godde and for me and for this new year.
One of my joys is to take note of the numbers used in the Bible, knowing that to the Hebrew/Greek writers of Scripture, many numbers were symbolic and were hidden numerical codes giving the reader “new light” on a passage. The number 3 is a number representing Godde and Godde’s presence, and the number 8 is the number for new beginnings, new birth, “newness”.
So the numbering of the John 3:8 passage and the synchronistic discussion of the wind, along with a “knowing” deep inside of me, helped me receive this passage from Godde for this year of 2008.
And the mess the wind leaves behind—seems to be the story of my journey. I know that my call for this new year has been to cut some ties so that I can be free to follow the Spirit wherever. People don’t seem to understand—especially church folk, but I can’t follow the Wind if I have obligations elsewhere. So once again, I seem to find myself “loose” and “on the move”. Where will I wind up this time? Who knows, but the Wind is refreshing; I recognize it, and I “know” that I’m once again journeying with the Spirit. And it feels good and “right”.
1 comment:
Love the verse and the message behinds it and I love you!
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